Saturday, February 8, 2014


In Deuteronomy 8:7 the very first commandment given is that Thou shalt have none other gods before me; but yet still many of us can't even get that first commandment right, we sin daily putting things before God, situations, people etc.  There are so many things that demand our attention and devotion: our jobs, our kids, our spouses, our hobbies & the demands and distractions of life. And we have to be careful not to let them become more important or more of a priority than our relationship with God. HE HAS BEEN REPLACED BY SO MUCH even by our thoughts, worry, money our time & what are we doing about it? What do YOU intend on doing bout it?

You might not know this or maybe you do but when one refuses to honor God and follow His wisdom in their decisions, it causes them to become weary worrisome, resentment and & full of bitterness which eventually shows up as sickness and disease in their bodies. Don't let the enemy trick you 
anything you worship or put an excessive amount of time into becomes your god. Even your feelings can become a god if you allow them to control you. But fortunately for us we don’t have to continue living that way In Christ, we can enjoy our live abundantly! The key to having God's 'abundant life' is keeping Him in His rightful place in our priorities. PUT GOD FIRST IN EVERYTHING YOU DO. 
Life is somewhat simple to live it all boils down to the choices we make daily & we have the BIBLE to guide us; 

Another great scripture is Matt 6:33 where it says "SEEK ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” If your first priority is God, the rest of your life will be aligned. There's AMAZING POWER in having your priorities right & to be truthful most people live a troublesome life simply because they fail to put first things first, they fail to place JESUS where HE belongs & that's at the VERY FIRST!!!
What Have you substituted for seeking God?
What have you allowed to be your first priority other than God & is it worth it worth to you & what do you plan to do about it?
Nobody is perfect and so if you have placed anything before GOD don't be discouraged and let it hold you back; confess it and continue & move on to being a better you a more GOD FOCUSED YOU. God will give you grace to do what you need to do. One day at a time you and God together can do anything


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